Connect & Grow
with FBC Fairlea Sunday School
Gather – Join FBC Fairlea every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM for one of our growing and involved Sunday School classes. We offer classes for all ages, starting with our fully-equipped Children’s Nursery, children’s classes, and our Teens group. We also have a variety of adult classes for younger adults, older adults, and for those somewhere in between! We have a very active ladies’ class, and a New Member’s class provided as needed. Sunday School classes are one way we are able to Gather and Grow together!
Grow – No matter what your circumstances are, you are welcome at FBC Fairlea. Take part in one of our small-group classes where the life of Jesus Christ is taught, exciting fellowship is evident, and new friendships are woven. Together we can face the challenges of our busy lives and grow together in our Christian life.
Have a question? Call our Church Office today.