Children’s Missions Sunday
At the 11 AM service, FBC’s Adventure Kids share what they have learned recently about missionaries around the world!
Pizza-and-a-Movie Night
Sponsored by the ladies’ SALT Ministry, EVERYONE is invited to have snacks and pizza and enjoy a Christian movie together in the sanctuary!
AWANA 2024-25 begins!
AWANA, the popular kids’ Bible club, begins its Wednesday evening meetings for children age 3 (if potty-trained) through 5th grade. In August, you may register on this site’s homepage.
Senior Adult Movie Outing
Join the 55+ set to travel by church van to Roanoke for a viewing of The Sight and Sound Theater’s movie version of their Daniel production!
Community Block Party
First Baptist Fairlea hosts an evening community/neighborhood outreach event with games, food, and sharing the Gospel!
Anne Wilson Concert
A group from First Baptist goes to the WV State Fair for a Christian artist’s concert on August 13th.
Adventure Kids Pool Party
All children and their families are invited to enjoy a pool party at the White Sulphur Springs Municipal Pool on Friday, 8/2, from 6 to 8 PM.
Mission Trip to Puerto Rico
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28: 18-20
Senior Adult Theater Outing
The SAM group will leave FBC by church van 7/17 at 4 PM to share fellowship over a picnic and attend the play Footloose at Grandview Park and amphitheater.
Coalfields Mission Trip
FBC members travel to southern West Virginia to lend helping hands in the name of Christ.
Summit Camp
Middle and high schoolers travel to the Bechtel Reserve, near Beckley, WV for a week of fun and faith-building!
Vacation Bible School
Students going into kindergarten through those entering 6th grade meet for a week of super-fun, beach-themed activities, all designed to bring them closer to Christ!