Valentine Widow/Widowers Luncheon
FBC holds its annual Valentine banquet honoring the widows and widowers of our congregation after church on February 16th.
“Souper Bowl of Caring” 2025
FBC joins with churches across the country to collect a special offering to benefit local food banks. This year, First Baptist’s collection benefits the Ronceverte Food Bank.
Senior Adult Fellowship/Luncheon
The 55+ crowd meets at noon at a Lewisburg restaurant February 6th for a Valentine fellowship. 🙂
Brotherhood Men’s Breakfast
FBC men and boys 12+ are invited to a casual breakfast Saturday, 2/1, at 8 AM. Expect great food, greater fellowship, and the greatest goal–to further the Gospel!
Adventure Kids “Jump into the New Year!”
All kids from pre-K to 5th grade are invited to our gym Saturday, January 4th from 11 AM to 2 PM for fun, games, and snacks while we hear God’s good news for the new year!
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Share a traditional Christmas Eve service with the FBC family at 6 PM.
Christmas Cantata 2024
The FBC Community Christmas cantata “Here Comes Christmas!” will be performed 12/21 at The Greenbrier at 8:30 PM and 12/22 at First Baptist at 7:30 PM with over 50 vocalists and an orchestra accompaniment!
Men’s Brotherhood Book Study
Meet for fellowship and Bible study the first and third Thursday of each month at 7 PM.
Adventure Kids’ Christmas Play
During the 11 AM service, Beartholomew Bear and friends learn what Christmas is all about!
Toy/Backpack Distribution
Parents and grandparents are invited to FBC to receive a toy from The Greenbrier’s Dream Tree program and a backpack of student supplies from Appalachian Mountain Ministries.
SALT Ladies’ Book Study
All women are invited to a weekly study of the book Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland. Meetings will be Mondays 10/7 to 11/18 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. A combination of text and video will give readers a fresh perspective on Jesus through learning about the places He walked!
Food Locker Distribution
FBC’s Men’s Brotherhood Ministry group meets at Old Stone Church in Lewisburg, WV to bag and distribute food bank items for needy families.